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Corn Maze "The Mennonite Moses"

Mark Wurtz

The 2022 fall season was a milestone year for the Youth Farm Corn Maze. Blessed with a series of beautiful weekends through September and into October, attendance record after attendance record fell this year. First we saw the single largest day with over 2200 people coming through the gates. That same weekend we welcomed around 5000 people in total. For the full season more than 27000 people enjoyed the many activities the Corn Maze has to offer.

There were many moments of reflection on how much the Corn Maze has developed over the years, 14 in fact, and thinking back to its very humble beginnings it was wonderful to see the realization and development of a vision that continues to grow. This year the new big attraction was the giant slide which was a major hit with all who experienced it.

The Corn Maze itself was a celebration of David Toews “The Mennonite Moses” who began the process of bringing over 20000 Mennonites from Russia into Canada 100 years ago. The design of the maze and information that was given out to those who came connected many people with the history of Mennonites in Canada as well as the great sacrifice and effort that went into relocating so many people and providing them relief from much suffering and hardship.

While we remembered this great journey, we were humbled to learn of the many groups and schools that travelled so far to experience the Corn Maze. We welcomed groups from Pelican Narrows, Deschambault Lake and one school that travelled all the way to and from Stanley Mission in a single day! It was in these moments that the beauty of the staff really shone.

We were blessed to see such a wonderful group of staff come together. They demonstrated their heart to love and share Jesus and to serve all who came onsite. There were the camp staff who stayed and served through the fall season, our year round staff and interns who worked tirelessly to ensure that everything ran smoothly and the wonderful Francisco and Isela who joined us from Mexico for 2 months.

The Corn Maze season is a busy and full season but through it all there is always the question of how we can share the hope that we have in Jesus with others. The Tabernacle has been a great way to connect people with God’s Word as they are able to literally walk into the pages of the Bible. Pray! Was the theme of camp but prayer for everyone who entered the Corn Maze was ongoing from all the staff. We were also very fortunate to welcome the Monday Night Evangelism team from Calgary who set up a prayer tent in the Corn Maze and spent time in prayer ministry for our staff and shared and prayed for people they met during the weekend that they visited. Many staff members had opportunities to share the gospel message in word and deed with people who visited. Through it all we learned, we loved and we worked together to serve and bless as best we could.

The Corn Maze has really grown into an incredible place of connection and a wonderful asset to the camp as it helps to drive many of the ministry and mission opportunities that lie at the heart of YFBC’s mission and core values. All the staff are incredibly grateful for the leadership, vision and faithfulness of Mark as he tirelessly labours to make sure that this is a place where we all can learn to Love God and Love People better.

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